
07 March 2010

Saray Turkish Pizza Review ~ Enmore Road Enmore

Oh praise thy master…

Saray Turkish Pizza in Enmore has been renovated. The beautiful grungy 1970s coffee lounge vibe will be sorely missed, but fear not Newtownians, the man we call "The Master" is still in charge, and the food is still insanely good.

The Master and family have been churning out some of the finest Turkish pizzas for at least 20 years. And he has done a fine job of passing his pide skills onto the younger folks in the family (once upon a time we would only enter Saray's if The Master was making the pizzas, but the offspring are just as good these days).

The pide is made with a magic touch: the dough is light and fresh, you will never be able to eat food court pide ever again. And the homemade turkish sausage is something else, it's a little different every time.

Saray's has been open from lunchtime till way-past-my-bedtime for as long as I can remember. The only time I have ever seen the place shut at night there was a crowd of shellshocked locals outside nearly in tears.

We were feeling a little guilty because we have been visiting Sultan's Table up the road of late, but after a few beers there is nothing like Saray's, generations of Newtownians will agree.

Saray Turkish Pizza is at 18 Enmore Road, Enmore.

Saray Turkish Pizza on Urbanspoon


  1. sounds great. i'm looking forward to trying it this week for dinner. :-)

  2. hehe - I just walked by and said G'day to The Master just today :-)


Thanks for your comment joy - please keep your musings happy - if you want to complain about a restaurant please do it on a restaurant review site (or your own blog) - we're all about celebrating cultural diversity and the great eats that come along with it :-)

Our ethics: We pay for all our own meals and travel (though sometimes Mum shouts us).