
16 April 2010

Asian King Old Fashioned Taste of Shanghai ~ Chinese, King Street Newtown [CLOSED \ RENAMED]

When a complete stranger suddenly gives you fish, that’s Newtown.


Asian King Newtown

I am reminded of that old tv ad for Impulse body spray: "if a complete stranger suddenly gives you flowers, that's Impulse."

Well that has never happend to me but tonight a Chinese lady I've never met suddenly gave me fish.

We were ogling a fellow diner's whole barramundi so she kindly gave us a piece to try. She served it up on a side plate and brought it over to our table. The fish was in sweet and sour sauce, a guilty favourite of mine, complete with a prawn each. What a nice lady.

Asian King Newtown

And if that wasn't a nice enough start to an evening at Asia King, we then discover all the crockery has 'Duck King' on it, this is our kind of place.

Asian King Newtown

Homemade dumplings are a feature on the menu but we are intrigued by the offering of pumpkin pancakes. We've never heard of pumpkin pancakes so we give it a go.

Asian King Newtown

The pumpkin pancakes are ball shaped and hollow in the middle, deep fried and very sweet, tastes like banana fritter. They make an unique sauce mopper.

Asian King Newtown

It's been a long day so Miss Chicken wants comfort food: mapo tofu, the old classic of pork mince and tofu. The Asian King version is just a little spicier and more flavoursome than your regular mapo tofu, it has a slight chili kick, we were both raving about this dish.

Asian King Newtown

I go for Shanghai style thick noodles with shredded pork and veggies. Simple, well-cooked and lightly sauced. It's plain but just what I'm in the mood for.

Asian King Newtown

Asian King on King Street Newtown has just opened in the last few days. They were previously in Glebe. We are very excited to have a restaurant in the area billing themselves as 'Old Fashioned Taste of Shanghai'. It's not quite 'Ashfield in Newton' but there are a lot of interesting street foodie choices on the menu, as well as the usual 'beef in black bean' stuff. We'll be back to work our way through the menu, all in good time.

Asian King is at 121 King Street, Newtown.

Asian King Restaurant on Urbanspoon


  1. This place is a favorite. Their shredded pork with pancakes is handed down from the kitchens of the Three Sovereigns, I am sure!

  2. According to the signs it's under new management, they've brightened the place up a bit so hopefully they will get more customers. We thought the food was pretty dang good but folks didn't take to it, fingers crossed the new folks do well...


Thanks for your comment joy - please keep your musings happy - if you want to complain about a restaurant please do it on a restaurant review site (or your own blog) - we're all about celebrating cultural diversity and the great eats that come along with it :-)

Our ethics: We pay for all our own meals and travel (though sometimes Mum shouts us).