
11 November 2013

Supermarkets of Mystery - Happy Pepero Day!

While many might observe 11 November as Remembrance Day or still weep over the 1975 sacking of Gough on this anniversary, a new contender has emerged for celebration - Pepero Day.

Pepero are a Korean version of the Japanese Pocky biscuit sticks, and they were on special at the Japanese and Asian food grocer inside the Pittsway Arcade in Sydney for $1.00 each to celebrate Pepero Day.

So why this date? Well, if you line up the numerals for the eleventh of November you get - 11 11, just like Pepero sticks! This date is huge in Korea, almost as big as Valentines Day, where couples exchange sticks as a sign of love. Awwwwwwww.

There's even a Pepero song that is so unbelievably cute:

There were four types of Pepero on sale, and one big version that has multiple thick sticks inside.

Each box is colour coded for the different varieties.

The sticks are all different, some are coated on the outside and some have chocolate on the inside. The nut coated ones are a favourite.

The giant Pepero are really huge compared to a standard one. They are more like a rolled wafer coated in chocolate.

So Happy Pepero Day everyone, give a chocolate coated stick to someone you love.


Thanks for your comment joy - please keep your musings happy - if you want to complain about a restaurant please do it on a restaurant review site (or your own blog) - we're all about celebrating cultural diversity and the great eats that come along with it :-)

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