We love hidden food. Sometimes you have to work a little hard to find interesting morsels. You need to peek inside small stores, look on counters and the back of fridges or read the whole menu to see that one different dish. The Summer Hill Village Patisserie, while it declares all sorts of standard suburban bakery items, is one of those hiding places.
Summer Hill is a small village like suburb in the circle of inner west filled with terraced shops and rabid and rapid increasing house prices. While many stores here have been joojied up in recent years the Summer Hill Village Patisserie hasn't yet been converted to a fancy pants cake shop with oozing and drooling icing, it's kept things pretty basic.
While there's pies and cakes and quiches, this store also does a line or two in Argentinian classics - empanadas and alfajor. The empanadas are nicely tucked into bed with the pies and sausage rolls in the warmer and the alfajors sit in the front window with the apple turnovers, there's no special signs to point out there's a South American bent to some of the cooking here.
The classic South American empanada, $4. The pastry is flaky and brittle, each bite send shards flying out for the waiting pigeons.
Inside is packed with minced beef, chilli and green olives. There is a little bit of tomato based gravy to keep it all together inside.
Conrnflour Alfajore, $3.20. This cornflour based cookie is light and crisp, filled with dulce de leche coated with coconut. They are quite a decent size for a single cookie, but don't let that stop you eating just one.
There's a park directly across the road with tables and chairs, convenient for scoffing.
Summer Hill Village Patisserie is at 32 Lackey Street. Phone 9798 6844.
When I lived nearby I used to always get their pear cheese tarts - they are amazing. As it got more popular and Summer Hill got trendier, the prices doubled... but luckily the quality didn't halve like it usually does when places get popular!