23 December 2014

Gone but not Forgotten 2014 ~ our annual guide to the dearly departed

Each year we round up the B-Kyu places that have shut their doors. For those we loved thanks for the great food and those we missed out on visiting we are truly sad we never got there.

18 December 2014

16 December 2014

Bao Dao Taiwanese Kitchen ~ Chatswood

A Taiwanese beef noodle soup is a thing of beauty in our food universe and Bao Dao in Chatswood does a darn good one.

09 December 2014

Fuska House ~ Bangladeshi - Lakemba

There seems to be more Bangladeshi joints than Lebanese pizza places in Lakemba these days. Amongst the burgeoning biryani restos is Fuska House, a mix of street food snacks, curries and tandoori.

04 December 2014

B-Kyu November Wrap Up - Something Old, Something New

We've been getting around town eating at some new places and old favourites with no real focus, we've been a little whacked after coming back from a big trip. Here's a look at what's been floating the boat lately at B-Kyu world headquarters.

02 December 2014

Dae Jang Kum ~ Korean BBQ Restaurant - City\Chinatown Fringe

We take the focus on Korean food away from fried chicken and BBQ and explore some other dishes (and renew some favourites) at Dae Jang Kum on Goulburn St Sydney.

27 November 2014

Pork Roll Round Up ~ CBD - Queen Victoria Building to Wynyard Station

Our Sydney CBD round up extends from the Queen Victoria Building to Wynyard Station, munching our way down George Street and making all the pigeons happy in Martin Place with our trail of crumbs.

21 November 2014

18 November 2014

B-Kyu tour of Penang - Toon Leong Kopi, Toh Soon Cafe and the mighty International Hotel

Another day in Georgetown, starting with cafes in for fish ball soup, roti kaya and soft eggs, a walk through the fast renovating old town and the best nasi padang outside of Sumatra.

11 November 2014

30 October 2014

22 October 2014

Willis Canteen ~ Indonesian - Ultimo

Whatchoo talkin bout Willis? As Indonesian food gets harder to find in Sydney, Willis Canteen replaces Rasa Immanuel and carries on cooking for the Indo food lovin' inner city types.

20 October 2014

B-Kyu Food Tour of Penang ~ Lamb soup, dosai, curry mee and Line Clear nasi kandar

Our trip to Penang was an auspicious occasion as it was 20 years since Shawn's first visit here, almost to the day. And Penang was the place that really sparked this food obsession.

17 October 2014

Taiwan Takeaways - what we brought back

On our recent trip to Taiwan we purloined a few little bits to bring back. Soaps, sweets and a strange christmas gift filled our bags on return.

Taiwan Street Food Tour ~ Let's Taipei Part 2

New Years Eve Taipei style, brought to you by Hello Kitty Lager.

14 October 2014

09 October 2014

Raohe Street Night Markets ~ Taipei, Taiwan

One of the more famous night markets in Taipei, Raohe Street is one long stretch of food and fashion. Not sure how to get there? Just ask the pussycats.

07 October 2014

Supermarkets of Mystery ~ Frozen Natto - Japanese fermented soy beans

Natto has a reputation for stink and slime. It's well deserved, but the texture, smell and flavour are a winner if that's just what you love.

30 September 2014

Al Mahabba Take-Away ~ Iraqi - Fairfield

Fairfield town centre is deceptively large, with plenty of room for great little restaurants to hide in the side streets and arcades. Sniff around and you might find a little gem like Al Mahabba Takeaway.

25 September 2014

Yanping North Road Tourist Night Market ~ Taipei, Taiwan

Taiwan's huge and world famous nightmarkets such as Shilin are a hoot to visit, but there's a lot of average food you need to sift through to find the gems. Smaller nightmarkets like Taipei's Yanping North Road Tourist Market may lack the excitement factor but the food is a definite notch up overall.

23 September 2014

Tiger Cave - Thai & Western Food ~ Eating World Food Court, Chinatown

Our mission to eat at every Chinatown foodcourt stall brings us to Tiger Cave. We must admit we were skeptical to begin with. The menu is an oddball mix of Thai and Western dishes. Plus we had a weird illogical resentment to Tiger Cave because it replaced one of our  favourite stalls, Singapore Shiok. Stupid but true.

[Updated August 2015]

18 September 2014

Daruma Japanese Restaurant ~ Haymarket \ Chinatown

Daruma Japanese Restaurant is as close as we've come to finding the the izakaya/Japanese pub experience in Australia. Come to think of it, it's kind of like one of those 280 yen restaurants crossed with a pub.

Anyhoo, Daruma is down-to-earth, family-run, and one of the most welcoming restaurants we've been to. And it's one of the few Japanese joints in Sydney that Japanese folks actually eat in. If that's not enough recommendation for you, well then you're reading the wrong blog, off to Surry Hills with you.

16 September 2014

11 September 2014

Miruna's Super Take Away ~ Sri Lankan - Pendle Hill

The heartland of Sri Lankan food in Sydney has to be in Pendle Hill. A plate of curry and rice at Miruna's Super Takeaway fills our craving for spice.

09 September 2014

Street Food tour of Taiwan - Let's Lukang!

We can't be blamed for picking our hotel accommodation in Lukang because they mentioned they had resident golden retrievers, can we?

04 September 2014

Street Food is changing its name

After nearly five years of talking about it we've finally decided to change the blog name. We will be (insert drumroll) 'B-Kyu'.

It's Time for Thai ~ Halal Thai - Central\Chinatown Fringe

The top of George Street in Haymarket is becoming a halal hotspot, with excellent North Chinese handmade noodle joints, the recently opened India Gate, as well as It's Time for Thai, the subject of this month's eating obsession.

02 September 2014

Darband Persian Restaurant ~ Auburn

Want to try real Persian food and not sure where to start? Darband Persian Restaurant in Auburn is an easy pick. It's not flash but it's fancy for a hole it-in-wall joint. Best of all it's full of Persian folks, which means great food and atmosphere.

29 August 2014

Pork Roll Round Up ~ Vietnamese banh mi - Newtown and Enmore

Newtown and Enmore are the locations for this pork roll round up, with a mix of older style hot bread stores and new fangled fusion types muscling in.

[Updated October 2015]

26 August 2014

Marukame Udon ~ Japanese - Chatswood

If we lived our lives in a Murakami novel we'd always be eating spaghetti, drinking Cutty Sark and having conversations with cats*. But Marukame Udon and Tempura in Chatswood brings us back to Japan in another way through its fresh house made udon noodles and onsen tamago (soft boiled eggs to you and me).

21 August 2014

Viu Va Say ~ Vietnamese - Newtown

Mention eating anything fusion and we would normally run a mile away. But the banh mi rolls at Vui Va Say retain a good amount of their banh mi essence despite the fusion label. Get a little pork rock n roll.

14 August 2014

Hot Star Large Fried Chicken ~ Taiwanese - Sydney

Taiwanese favourite Hot Star Large Fried Chicken has been opening stores across Australia, spreading fried chicken love.

07 August 2014

Chinatown BBQ Kitchen ~ Chinese, Haymarket

Chinatown BBQ Kitchen gets none of the hoopla of BBQ King and Emperor's Garden but it has it's own special place in our hearts.

05 August 2014

Yummy Kitchen ~ Northern Chinese - Pittsway Arcade Foodcourt - City

Pittsway Arcade fills a long empty stall with some Northern Chinese Yummy Kitchen handmade noodles and dumplings.

31 July 2014

Everybody Taichung tonight! ~ more Street Food in Taiwan

A one night stand in Taichung with a girl band and a bucket of sticky goo. And yes, another night market.

29 July 2014

24 July 2014

Hua Yuan Night Market Tainan ~ Taiwan

The night markets in Tainan are the biggest in Taiwan, allegedly. Here's a hundred or so random snaps, and few explanations.

22 July 2014

Taste of Memory ~ Chinese - Broadway\Ultimo

Taste of Memory tastes like China. Shawn's memory tastes like stale beer and regret. Alison's memory tastes like jelly beans. She's a happy soul.

17 July 2014

Pork Roll Round Up ~ Vietnamese banh mi - Glebe, Broadway, Ultimo and Pyrmont

We head out on a pork roll trek from Glebe Point to Pyrmont Point and round up all the Vietnamese banh mi we can find along the way.

[Updated September 2015]

15 July 2014

Kaki Lima Restaurant ~ Malaysian - Kensington [CLOSED]

The ladies at Kaki Lima Restaurant have a cooking style we've come to appreciate even more over the years and after countless Malaysian restaurant feeds and a couple of trips to Malaysia. The food has a Malay touch,  a delicate touch, we reckon it's a bit special.


10 July 2014

Clocking the Menu at Singapore Shiok [CLOSED]

When it comes to Singapore and Malaysian food we find ourselves ordering the same dishes over and over again. To break old habits we clock the menu at Singapore Shiok, eating every dish on the menu over a few months.


08 July 2014

Northeastern Family Chinese Restaurant ~ Waterloo

If you build 'em the food will come, and so will we. We poke our noses underneath the gleaming new towers in Waterloo to find some North Chinese food treasures.

03 July 2014

Street Food Travels ~ how much does it cost to travel through China?

We've had the opportunity to get away on a few quick trips over the last few years thanks to cheap airfares and some prudent planning. Here's our costs and tips for travelling China, Hong Kong and Macau.

01 July 2014

20 years ago today - Newtown in the 1994 Cheap Eats in Sydney Guide

King Street Newtown featured as one of the Eat Streets in the 1994 Cheap Eats guide to Sydney. What places are still going after 20 years and what is different?

27 June 2014

Mr Noodle - Chinese ~ Broadway\Central

They be clever folks who own Mr Noodle and the adjoining DY Sizzling Hotpot. Both restaurants are popular with students, commuters and anyone in Central who needs a good, cheap, quick feed.


24 June 2014

Street Food Tour of Taiwan ~ Let's Tainan!

We visit Tainan, Taiwan's food and culture capital, to drink Spunk and get arrested. Sorta.