We stop for a quick noodle soup at a coffee shop\roast joint on the way to get the Star Ferry to Hong Kong Island.
A lovely shrimp wonton noodle soup for Miss Chicken, with egg noodles of course. We love the way soups are served in small sized bowls in Asia, rather than the monster bowls we get back in Australia. Much better than a Milky Way for between meal snacks.
Hong Kong is famous for fishball noodle soup, it's delicous, a new favourite.The fishballs are flavoursome and complement the broth rather than overpower it. If you tire of BBQ Pork noodle soup then give fishball soup a whirl, clean and refreshing.
Asia does fresh iced tea so well, none of that prepackaged crud.
A gossip and a feed...
Meat, glorious meat.
Where the magic happens.
Not something I'd like to look at with a hangover.
Happy smiley cakes.
After flutzing around on Hong Kong Island, going up the Mid Levels escalators (highly recommended) we return to Temple Street Markets, the only place we can find for outdoor feasting. Speaking of which, check out the aftermath from a bunch of locals, these folks know how to food party.
We find a spare table at Temple Spice Crabs, very popular.
Food launching area momentarily empty.
A couple of nights ago a drunk local bloke berrated us for not drinking the local stuff, San Miguel. 'San Miguel is from the Philippines' replies Miss Chicken. That shut him up. We give it a whirl in his honour. U-beaut.
Mamas making Kankong, doesn't take long for the word to get around. In garlic, chilli and fermented bean curd. Hoochiemama.
Pomfret in soy. I stupidly ordered if fried fishy instead of steamed to save a few bucks, he was still good but nothing like the steamed fish with black beans.
Bencurd with fish mash. This one is the winner. Delicious cooked fish paste on top of tofu in a soy/vinegar type dressing. Giddy up.
I LOVE Hong Kong. It looks like we went to the same bbq place in Tsim Sha Tsui. Check this out
How freaky is that? Love your photos!